Source code for pyhottop.pyhottop

#!/usr/bin/env python
Interface with the hottop roaster through the serial port.

This module is split into two pieces, a controlling thread for monitoring
data from the serial interface and a user-facing object to adjust settings or
read content back out. It's NOT recommended to conduct roasting with this
interface alone. Instead, it should be paired with a visual interface to avoid
running the risk of fire, or damage. This code is provided as-is and the
author is not responsible for any negative consequences for using the module.

Marko Luther is listed in the credits here for his amazing work on Artisan. His
application originally inspired the creation of this module and was helpful for
understanding how to interface with the Hottop roaster serial interface.
import binascii
import copy
import datetime
import glob
import logging
import serial
import sys
import time
from scipy.stats import linregress
from threading import Thread, Event
from collections import deque

from .mock import MockProcess

py2 = sys.version[0] == '2'

if py2:
    from Queue import Queue
    from queue import Queue

__author__ = "Brandon Dixon"
__copyright__ = "Copyright, Split Key Coffee"
__credits__ = ["Brandon Dixon", "Marko Luther"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.1.0"
__maintainer__ = "Brandon Dixon ("
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "BETA"

[docs]class InvalidInput(Exception): """Exception to capture invalid input commands.""" pass
[docs]class SerialConnectionError(Exception): """Exception to capture serial connection issues.""" pass
def bool2int(bool): """Convert a bool to an int.""" if bool: return 1 else: return 0 def hex2int(value): """Convert hex to an int.""" return int(binascii.hexlify(value), 16) def celsius2fahrenheit(c): """Convert temperatures.""" return (c * 1.8) + 32 def now_time(str=False): """Get the current time.""" if str: return"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return def now_date(str=False): """Get the current date.""" if str: return"%Y-%m-%d") return def load_time(str_time): """Convert the date string to a real datetime.""" return datetime.datetime.strptime(str_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def timedelta2millisecond(td): """Get milliseconds from a timedelta.""" milliseconds = td.days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 milliseconds += td.seconds * 1000 milliseconds += td.microseconds / 1000 return milliseconds def timedelta2period(duration): """Convert timedelta to different formats.""" seconds = duration.seconds minutes = (seconds % 3600) // 60 seconds = (seconds % 60) return '{0:0>2}:{1:0>2}'.format(minutes, seconds)
[docs]class ControlProcess(Thread): """Primary processor to communicate with the hottop directly. :param conn: Established serial connection to the Hottop :type conn: Serial instance :param config: Initial configurations settings :type config: dict :param q: Shared queue to interact with the user interface :type q: Queue instance :param logger: Shared logger to keep continuity :type logger: Logging instance :param callback: Optional callback function to stream results :type callback: function :returns: ControlProces instance """ MAX_BOUND_TEMP = 500 MIN_BOUND_TEMP = 50 def __init__(self, conn, config, q, logger, callback=None): """Extend threads to support more control logic.""" Thread.__init__(self) self._conn = conn self._log = logger self._config = config self._q = q self._cb = callback self._retry_count = 0 # Trigger events used in the core loop. self.cooldown = Event() self.exit = Event()
[docs] def _generate_config(self): """Generate a configuration that can be sent to the Hottop roaster. Configuration settings need to be represented inside of a byte array that is then written to the serial interface. Much of the configuration is static, but control settings are also included and pulled from the shared dictionary. :returns: Byte array of the prepared configuration. """ config = bytearray([0x00] * 36) config[0] = 0xA5 config[1] = 0x96 config[2] = 0xB0 config[3] = 0xA0 config[4] = 0x01 config[5] = 0x01 config[6] = 0x24 config[10] = self._config.get('heater', 0) config[11] = self._config.get('fan', 0) config[12] = self._config.get('main_fan', 0) config[16] = self._config.get('solenoid', 0) config[17] = self._config.get('drum_motor', 0) if self._config.get('heater', 0) > 0: # Override the user here since the drum MUST be on for heat config[17] = 1 config[18] = self._config.get('cooling_motor', 0) config[35] = sum([b for b in config[:35]]) & 0xFF return bytes(config)
[docs] def _send_config(self): """Send configuration data to the hottop. :returns: bool :raises: Generic exceptions if an error is identified. """ serialized = self._generate_config() self._log.debug("Configuration has been serialized") try: self._conn.flushInput() self._conn.flushOutput() self._conn.write(serialized) return True except Exception as e: self._log.error(e) raise Exception(e)
[docs] def _validate_checksum(self, buffer): """Validate the buffer response against the checksum. When reading the serial interface, data will come back in a raw format with an included checksum process. :returns: bool """ self._log.debug("Validating the buffer") if len(buffer) == 0: self._log.debug("Buffer was empty") if self._conn.isOpen(): self._log.debug('Closing connection') self._conn.close() return False p0 = hex2int(buffer[0]) p1 = hex2int(buffer[1]) checksum = sum([hex2int(c) for c in buffer[:35]]) & 0xFF p35 = hex2int(buffer[35]) if p0 != 165 or p1 != 150 or p35 != checksum: self._log.debug("Buffer checksum was not valid") return False return True
[docs] def _read_settings(self, retry=True): """Read the information from the Hottop. Read the settings from the serial interface and convert them into a human-readable format that can be shared back to the end-user. Reading from the serial interface will occasionally produce strange results or blank reads, so a retry process has been built into the function as a recursive check. :returns: dict """ if not self._conn.isOpen(): self._log.debug("Reopening connection") self._conn.flushInput() self._conn.flushOutput() buffer = if len(buffer) != 36: self._log.debug('Buffer length (%d) did not match 36' % len(buffer)) if self._conn.isOpen(): self._log.debug('Closing connection') self._conn.close() self._read_settings(retry=True) try: check = self._validate_checksum(buffer) except: check = False if not check and (retry and self._retry_count <= 3): if self._retry_count == 3: self._log.error('Retry count reached on buffer check') self._read_settings(retry=False) else: self._retry_count += 1 self._read_settings(retry=True) try: settings = dict() settings['heater'] = hex2int(buffer[10]) settings['fan'] = hex2int(buffer[11]) settings['main_fan'] = hex2int(buffer[12]) et = hex2int(buffer[23] + buffer[24]) settings['environment_temp'] = celsius2fahrenheit(et) bt = hex2int(buffer[25] + buffer[26]) settings['bean_temp'] = celsius2fahrenheit(bt) settings['solenoid'] = hex2int(buffer[16]) settings['drum_motor'] = hex2int(buffer[17]) settings['cooling_motor'] = hex2int(buffer[18]) settings['chaff_tray'] = hex2int(buffer[19]) self._retry_count = 0 except Exception: self._log.error("Pulled a cache configuration!") settings = self._generate_config() return settings
[docs] def _valid_config(self, settings): """Scan through the returned settings to ensure they appear sane. There are time when the returned buffer has the proper information, but the reading is inaccurate. When this happens, temperatures will swing or system values will be set to improper values. :param settings: Configuration derived from the buffer :type settings: dict :returns: bool """ if ((int(settings['environment_temp']) > self.MAX_BOUND_TEMP or int(settings['environment_temp']) < self.MIN_BOUND_TEMP) or (int(settings['bean_temp']) > self.MAX_BOUND_TEMP or int(settings['bean_temp']) < self.MIN_BOUND_TEMP)): self._log.error('Temperatures are outside of bounds') return False binary = ['drum_motor', 'chaff_tray', 'solenoid', 'cooling_motor'] for item in binary: if int(settings.get(item)) not in [0, 1]: self._log.error('Settings show invalid values') return False return True
[docs] def _wake_up(self): """Wake the machine up to avoid race conditions. When first interacting with the Hottop, the machine may not wake up right away which can put our reader into a death loop. This wake up routine ensures we prime the roaster with some data before starting our main loops to read/write data. :returns: None """ for range in (0, 10): self._send_config() time.sleep(self._config['interval'])
[docs] def run(self): """Run the core loop of reading and writing configurations. This is where all the roaster magic occurs. On the initial run, we prime the roaster with some data to wake it up. Once awoke, we check our shared queue to identify if the user has passed any updated configuration. Once checked, start to read and write to the Hottop roaster as long as the exit signal has not been set. All steps are repeated after waiting for a specific time interval. There are also specialized routines built into this function that are controlled via events. These events are unique to the roasting process and pre-configure the system with a configuration, so the user doesn't need to do it themselves. :returns: None """ self._wake_up() while not self._q.empty(): self._config = self._q.get() while not self.exit.is_set(): settings = self._read_settings() settings['valid'] = self._valid_config(settings) self._cb(settings) if self.cooldown.is_set(): self._log.debug("Cool down process triggered") self._config['drum_motor'] = 1 self._config['heater'] = 0 self._config['solenoid'] = 1 self._config['cooling_motor'] = 1 self._config['main_fan'] = 10 if settings['valid']: self._log.debug("Settings were valid, sending...") self._send_config() time.sleep(self._config['interval'])
[docs] def drop(self): """Register a drop event to begin the cool-down process. :returns: None """ self._log.debug("Dropping the coffee") self.cooldown.set()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Register a shutdown event to stop interacting with the Hottop. :returns: None """ self._log.debug("Shutdown initiated") self.exit.set()
[docs]class Hottop: """Object to interact and control the hottop roaster. :returns: Hottop instance """ NAME = "HOTTOP" USB_PORT = "/dev/cu.usbserial-DA01PEYC" BAUDRATE = 115200 BYTE_SIZE = 8 PARITY = "N" STOPBITS = 1 TIMEOUT = 1 LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG INTERVAL = 0.6 def __init__(self): """Start of the hottop.""" self._log = self._logger() self._simulate = False self._conn = None self._roast = dict() self._roasting = False self._roast_start = None self._roast_end = None self._config = dict() self._window = deque(list(), 5) self._q = Queue() self._init_controls()
[docs] def _logger(self): """Create a logger to be used between processes. :returns: Logging instance. """ logger = logging.getLogger(self.NAME) logger.setLevel(self.LOG_LEVEL) shandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) fmt = '\033[1;32m%(levelname)-5s %(module)s:%(funcName)s():' fmt += '%(lineno)d %(asctime)s\033[0m| %(message)s' shandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt)) logger.addHandler(shandler) return logger
[docs] def _autodiscover_usb(self): """Attempt to find the serial adapter for the hottop. This will loop over the USB serial interfaces looking for a connection that appears to match the naming convention of the Hottop roaster. :returns: string """ if sys.platform.startswith('win'): ports = ['COM%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(256)] elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): ports = glob.glob('/dev/tty[A-Za-z]*') elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): ports = glob.glob('/dev/cu.*') else: raise EnvironmentError('Unsupported platform') match = None for port in ports: try: s = serial.Serial(port) s.close() if (port.find("/dev/cu.usbserial-") > -1 and port.find('bluetooth') == -1): self.USB_PORT = port match = port break except (OSError, serial.SerialException): pass return match
[docs] def connect(self, interface=None): """Connect to the USB for the hottop. Attempt to discover the USB port used for the Hottop and then form a connection using the serial library. :returns: bool :raises SerialConnectionError: """ if self._simulate: return True if not interface: match = self._autodiscover_usb() self._log.debug("Auto-discovered USB port: %s" % match) else: self.USB_PORT = interface try: self._conn = serial.Serial(self.USB_PORT, baudrate=self.BAUDRATE, bytesize=self.BYTE_SIZE, parity=self.PARITY, stopbits=self.STOPBITS, timeout=self.TIMEOUT) except serial.serialutil.SerialException as e: raise SerialConnectionError(str(e)) self._log.debug("Serial connection set") if not self._conn.isOpen(): self._log.debug("Serial connection opened") return True
[docs] def _init_controls(self): """Establish a set of base controls the user can influence. :returns: None """ self._config['heater'] = 0 self._config['fan'] = 0 self._config['main_fan'] = 0 self._config['drum_motor'] = 1 self._config['solenoid'] = 0 self._config['cooling_motor'] = 0 self._config['interval'] = self.INTERVAL self._config['environment_temp'] = 0 self._config['bean_temp'] = 0 self._config['chaff_tray'] = 1 self._roast['name'] = None self._roast['input_weight'] = -1 self._roast['output_weight'] = -1 self._roast['operator'] = None self._roast['start_time'] = None self._roast['end_time'] = None self._roast['duration'] = -1 self._roast['notes'] = None self._roast['events'] = list() self._roast['last'] = None self._roast['record'] = False self._roast['charge'] = None self._roast['turning_point'] = None
[docs] def _callback(self, data): """Processor callback to clean-up stream data. This function provides a hook into the output stream of data from the controller processing thread. Hottop readings are saved into a local class variable for later saving. If the user has defined a callback, it will be called within this private function. :param data: Information from the controller process :type data: dict :returns: None """ local = copy.deepcopy(data) output = dict() output['config'] = local if self._roast_start: td = (now_time() - load_time(self._roast_start)) # Seconds since starting output['time'] = ((td.total_seconds() + 60) / 60) - 1 self._roast['duration'] = output['time'] local.update({'time': output['time']}) output['datetime'] = now_time(str=True) ct = load_time(now_time(str=True)) st = load_time(self._roast['start_time']) self._roast['duration'] = timedelta2period(ct - st) if self._roast['record']: copied = copy.deepcopy(output) self._derive_charge(copied['config']) self._derive_turning_point(copied['config']) self._roast['events'].append(copied) if self._roast['last']: delta = local['bean_temp'] - self._roast['last']['bean_temp'] output['config']['delta_bean_temp'] = delta self._roast['last'] = local if self._user_callback: self._log.debug("Passing data back to client handler") output['roast'] = self._roast output['roasting'] = self._roasting if local.get('valid', True): self._user_callback(output)
[docs] def _derive_charge(self, config): """Use a temperature window to identify the roast charge. The charge will manifest as a sudden downward trend on the temperature. Once found, we save it and avoid overwriting. The charge is needed in order to derive the turning point. :param config: Current snapshot of the configuration :type config: dict :returns: None """ if self._roast.get('charge'): return None self._window.append(config) time, temp = list(), list() for x in list(self._window): time.append(x['time']) temp.append(x['bean_temp']) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(time, temp) if slope < 0: self._roast['charge'] = self._roast['last'] self.add_roast_event({'event': 'Charge'}) return config return None
[docs] def _derive_turning_point(self, config): """Use a temperature window to identify the roast turning point. Turning point relies on the charge being set first. We use the rolling 5-point window to measure slope. If we show a positive trend after the charge, then the temperature has begun to turn. :param config: Current snapshot of the configuration :type config: dict :returns: None """ if not self._roast.get('charge') or self._roast.get('turning_point'): return None if self._roast['charge']['bean_temp'] == config['bean_temp']: return None self._window.append(config) time, temp = list(), list() for x in list(self._window): time.append(x['time']) temp.append(x['bean_temp']) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(time, temp) if slope > 0: self._roast['turning_point'] = self._roast['last'] self.add_roast_event({'event': 'Turning Point'}) return config return None
[docs] def start(self, func=None): """Start the roaster control process. This function will kick off the processing thread for the Hottop and register any user-defined callback function. By default, it will not begin collecting any reading information or saving it. In order to do that users, must issue the monitor/record bit via `set_monitor`. :param func: Callback function for Hottop stream data :type func: function :returns: None """ self._user_callback = func if not self._simulate: self._process = ControlProcess(self._conn, self._config, self._q, self._log, callback=self._callback) else: self._process = MockProcess(self._config, self._q, self._log, callback=self._callback) self._process.start() self._roasting = True
[docs] def end(self): """End the roaster control process via thread signal. This simply sends an exit signal to the thread, and shuts it down. In order to stop monitoring, call the `set_monitor` method with false. :returns: None """ self._process.shutdown() self._roasting = False self._roast['date'] = now_date(str=True)
[docs] def drop(self): """Preset call to drop coffee from the roaster via thread signal. This will set the following configuration on the roaster: - drum_motor = 0 - heater = 0 - solenoid = 1 - cooling_motor = 1 - main_fan = 10 In order to power-off the roaster after dropping coffee, it's best to use the shutdown method. It's assumed that cooling will occur for 5-10 minutes before shutting down. :returns: None """ self._process.drop()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the internal roast properties. :returns: None """ self._roasting = False self._roast_start = None self._roast_end = None self._roast = dict() self._window = deque(list(), 5) self._init_controls()
[docs] def add_roast_event(self, event): """Add an event to the roast log. This method should be used for registering events that may be worth tracking like first crack, second crack and the dropping of coffee. Similar to the standard reading output from the roaster, manually created events will include the current configuration reading, time and metadata passed in. :param event: Details describing what happened :type event: dict :returns: dict """ event_time = self.get_roast_time() def get_valid_config(): """Keep grabbing configs until we have a valid one. In rare cases, the configuration will be invalid when the user registers an event. This malformation can occur across several events, so we use this helper to find a valid config to associate to the event while preserving the original time. Due to fast interval checking, this is not liable to skew data that much and it's better than extreme false data. """ config = self.get_roast_properties()['last']['config'] if not config['valid']: self._log.debug("Invalid config at event time, retrying...") self.get_valid_config() return config event.update({'time': event_time, 'config': get_valid_config()}) self._roast['events'].append(event) return self.get_roast_properties()
[docs] def get_roast(self): """Get the roast information. :returns: list """ return self._roast
[docs] def get_roast_time(self): """Get the roast time. :returns: float """ td = (now_time() - load_time(self._roast_start)) return ((td.total_seconds() + 60) / 60) - 1
[docs] def get_serial_state(self): """Get the state of the USB connection. :returns: dict """ if not self._conn: return False return self._conn.isOpen()
[docs] def get_current_config(self): """Get the current running config and state. :returns: dict """ return { 'state': self.get_serial_state(), 'settings': dict(self._config) }
[docs] def set_interval(self, interval): """Set the polling interval for the process thread. :param interval: How often to poll the Hottop :type interval: int or float :returns: None :raises: InvalidInput """ if type(interval) != float or type(interval) != int: raise InvalidInput("Interval value must be of float or int") self._config['interval']
[docs] def get_roast_properties(self): """Get the roast properties. :returns: dict """ return self._roast
[docs] def set_roast_properties(self, settings): """Set the properties of the roast. :param settings: General settings for the roast setup :type settings: dict :returns: None :raises: InvalidInput """ if type(settings) != dict: raise InvalidInput("Properties value must be of dict") valid = ['name', 'input_weight', 'output_weight', 'operator', 'notes', 'coffee'] for key, value in settings.items(): if key not in valid: continue self._roast[key] = value
[docs] def get_monitor(self): """Get the monitor config. :returns: None """ return self._roast['record']
[docs] def set_monitor(self, monitor): """Set the monitor config. This module assumes that users will connect to the roaster and get reading information _before_ they want to begin collecting roast details. This method is critical to enabling the collection of roast information and ensuring it gets saved in memory. :param monitor: Value to set the monitor :type monitor: bool :returns: None :raises: InvalidInput """ if type(monitor) != bool: raise InvalidInput("Monitor value must be bool") self._roast['record'] = bool2int(monitor) self._q.put(self._config) if self._roast['record']: self._roast_start = now_time(str=True) self._roast['start_time'] = self._roast_start else: self._roast_end = now_time(str=True) self._roast['end_time'] = self._roast_end self._roast['date'] = now_date(str=True) et = load_time(self._roast['end_time']) st = load_time(self._roast['start_time']) self._roast['duration'] = timedelta2period(et - st) return self.get_roast_properties()
[docs] def get_heater(self): """Get the heater config. :returns: int [0-100] """ return self._config['heater']
[docs] def set_heater(self, heater): """Set the heater config. :param heater: Value to set the heater :type heater: int [0-100] :returns: None :raises: InvalidInput """ if type(heater) != int and heater not in range(0, 101): raise InvalidInput("Heater value must be int between 0-100") self._config['heater'] = heater self._q.put(self._config)
[docs] def get_fan(self): """Get the fan config. :returns: int [0-10] """ return self._config['fan']
[docs] def set_fan(self, fan): """Set the fan config. :param fan: Value to set the fan :type fan: int [0-10] :returns: None :raises: InvalidInput """ if type(fan) != int and fan not in range(0, 11): raise InvalidInput("Fan value must be int between 0-10") self._config['fan'] = fan self._q.put(self._config)
[docs] def get_main_fan(self): """Get the main fan config. :returns: None """ return self._config['main_fan']
[docs] def set_main_fan(self, main_fan): """Set the main fan config. :param main_fan: Value to set the main fan :type main_fan: int [0-10] :returns: None :raises: InvalidInput """ if type(main_fan) != int and main_fan not in range(0, 11): raise InvalidInput("Main fan value must be int between 0-10") self._config['main_fan'] = main_fan self._q.put(self._config)
[docs] def get_drum_motor(self): """Get the drum motor config. :returns: None """ return self._config['drum_motor']
[docs] def set_drum_motor(self, drum_motor): """Set the drum motor config. :param drum_motor: Value to set the drum motor :type drum_motor: bool :returns: None :raises: InvalidInput """ if type(drum_motor) != bool: raise InvalidInput("Drum motor value must be bool") self._config['drum_motor'] = bool2int(drum_motor) self._log.debug(self._config) self._q.put(self._config)
[docs] def get_solenoid(self): """Get the solenoid config. :returns: None """ return self._config['solenoid']
[docs] def set_solenoid(self, solenoid): """Set the solenoid config. :param solenoid: Value to set the solenoid :type solenoid: bool :returns: None :raises: InvalidInput """ if type(solenoid) != bool: raise InvalidInput("Solenoid value must be bool") self._config['solenoid'] = bool2int(solenoid) self._q.put(self._config)
[docs] def get_cooling_motor(self): """Get the cooling motor config. :returns: None """ return self._config['cooling_motor']
[docs] def set_cooling_motor(self, cooling_motor): """Set the cooling motor config. :param cooling_motor: Value to set the cooling motor :type cooling_motor: bool :returns: None :raises: InvalidInput """ if type(cooling_motor) != bool: raise InvalidInput("Cooling motor value must be bool") self._config['cooling_motor'] = bool2int(cooling_motor) self._q.put(self._config)
[docs] def get_simulate(self): """Get the simulation status. :returns: bool """ return self._simulate
[docs] def set_simulate(self, status): """Set the simulation status. :param status: Value to set the simulation :type status: bool :returns: None :raises: InvalidInput """ if type(status) != bool: raise InvalidInput("Status value must be bool") self._simulate = bool2int(status)